Sometimes you can be clear about your priorities and goals and sometimes you feel like giving up. This is normal. Nothing is wrong with you. Don’t beat yourself up. Whether its hormones, a need for variety, or something else causing these negative feelings, there is a way to get though these days or seasons easier. Spending time in the morning reviewing your purpose, I AM statements and goals will help remind you what you really want. Even if you don’t feel like it you can make commitments that day. I’ve also found another strategy that helps me stay centered until my self-pity passes.
I have a letter written to myself only to be read when I am feeling down, being judgmental, or trying to push others away. Usually a few days every month I fall into this. For me it is 100% hormonal. I can go from loving my job to over-thinking and potentially quitting overnight. My circus monkeys are rampant in trying to disrupt my extraordinary life.
The letter explains that everything will be okay again soon. It tells me none of what I am experiencing is coming from my Big Voice. It recaps how clear I am about relationships, my job, and my commitment to letting go of worry or fear. It gives me instructions for increasing self-love and care. It tells me nothing is wrong with me and not to hallucinate that anything is.
For some reason during this time my relationship with my kids never waivers but everything else does. Maybe this is nature’s way of keeping us bonded. But for everyone else I might affect, I tell them what I am experiencing so they can also give me space. How I feel during this time is completely outside of my control and I am powerless to it. I know it will pass eventually but it does wear me out.
As long as my intentions and priorities are clear, with the help of this letter, I can get through these down days easily. If I am already suffering with something or lack clarity though, they become more extreme. My brain feels like it is on fire and that no one will ever understand. I start pushing people away and making big decisions. This can cause major damage in my life so it is so important that I am intentional before I get into this. Writing out areas of uncertainty and being committed to being patient helps remind me that it is okay that I don’t have all the answers.