
April 25, 2023

The 5 Keys to Breaking Bad Habits (and Setting Positive New Ones)

In a recent blog, I covered the life-changing power of habits, laying the foundation for the science and psychology that go into setting each of our […]
October 14, 2021

Biohacking your way to health and happiness. ⚡️

You may have heard of the term ‘biohacking,’ as people try to convince you that their diet, coffee, Ted talk, or system will vastly improve your […]
February 18, 2021

10 Ways to be more likable (and win friends!)

December 12, 2020

The Art of Rewiring Your Brain.

Scientists used to think that our brains were hard-wired, born and developed with a physical structure that could never be altered. In decades past, patients with […]
July 15, 2024

Tools to combat negative self-talk (and the key to that life-changing shift!).

A while back, I wrote extensively about the power of our internal dialogue to shape our external reality, particularly the effect of negative self-talk in holding […]
June 12, 2024

Effective Communication Tips for Work, Relationships, and Every Day.

Think about your typical day at work, at home with family, or just interacting with strangers. How much of your waking hours would you estimate are […]
May 15, 2024

31 Fascinating Facts about Mental Health for May

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, giving us the chance to promote awareness and acceptance of all things mental health and mental illness. That all starts […]
April 23, 2024

The Neuroscience of Narrative: The Power of Stories to Change Our Lives

Since the first human beings roamed the earth, our brains have been wired to make sense of the world through stories. Even today, the most compelling […]
March 21, 2024

Women in the Workforce – a Timeline to Celebrate Women’s History Month!

March is Women’s History Month, so I want to highlight the amazing accomplishments of women in the workplace in U.S. history. While we’ve come a long […]
February 22, 2024

Find your tribe: the power of community in achieving your goals.

Do you have the support of a group of people you respect and emulate? Do you benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of a circle […]

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