
October 11, 2017

Balance – What is it?

We hear a lot about balance and how important it is in our lives but realistically it is difficult to achieve. First, there is no solid definition. Like success, it is unique to each person and can only be defined by them. Only you can determine your priorities or purpose and be able to sense how you are feeling about the time and energy you spend in each area.
October 4, 2017

Good Days Bad Days

Sometimes you can be clear about your priorities and goals and sometimes you feel like giving up. This is normal. Nothing is wrong with you. Don’t beat yourself up. Whether its hormones, a need for variety, or something else causing these negative feelings, there is a way to get though these days or seasons easier.
September 27, 2017
goals, strategy, life planning

Create your Goals

I like to believe that everyone’s ultimate vision is to lead an extraordinary life. By that I mean doing what you love and loving how you […]
September 20, 2017

Life Happens for You

Byron Katie said, “Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late.” I believe this is true but it is difficult for most people to accept.
September 13, 2017

Create your Vision

Before you can fully recognize your Big Voice it’s important to discover what you really want. What is it that would truly make you happy? What […]
September 6, 2017

Remaining at Peace while Suffering

Life’s circumstances are outside of our control and there is no way to avoid suffering completely.

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