In a recent blog, I covered the life-changing power of habits, laying the foundation for the science and psychology that go into setting each of our […]
Scientists used to think that our brains were hard-wired, born and developed with a physical structure that could never be altered. In decades past, patients with […]
With Singapore as a model, here’s how any society can reprioritize health and wellness norms to increase life expectancy by 20+ years. You’ve heard of Blue […]
A while back, I wrote extensively about the power of our internal dialogue to shape our external reality, particularly the effect of negative self-talk in holding […]
Think about your typical day at work, at home with family, or just interacting with strangers. How much of your waking hours would you estimate are […]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, giving us the chance to promote awareness and acceptance of all things mental health and mental illness. That all starts […]