Kelly Resendez

August 20, 2021

15 Things you didn’t know about clean energy.

2021 will be known as a pivotal year in human history, and not just for the reasons you may think. While it may not be front […]
July 7, 2021

20 Things you didn’t know about the human brain.

“The brain is the most complex thing in the universe,” according to Marwan Sabbagh MD, a prominent neurologist. “On one level, it’s a softball-sized collection of […]
June 10, 2021

12 Ways to become the best version of yourself.

Have you ever walked past a mirror or shop window and glanced at the reflection, not realizing for a moment that it’s you? Most of us […]
May 10, 2021

What We All Should Understand About Mental Health ?

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month, but the conversation around our collective challenges with mental illness and promoting mental health is one that should go on year-round. […]