Kelly Resendez

May 3, 2022

Stop the self-sabotage!

Tactics to help you break through your Upper Limit Problems and live the life you truly deserve. Why does the average person fall woefully short when […]
April 16, 2022

Kelly Resendez appears as a guest on The Mark Haney Show podcast.

I wanted to share a recent podcast interview where Kelly Resendez was a guest on the Mark Haney Show, speaking about creating a life of abundance. […]
March 11, 2022

Upper Limit Problems

Why we self-sabotage when happiness, love, and success are finally within reach. Deep down, there’s a part of us that’s scared senseless by the thought of […]
February 1, 2022

Inside the Great Resignation

If we believe the media’s common neat-and-tidy narrative, this “record” exodus from the office is mainly due to younger workers who are fed up and walking […]