
May 25, 2018

Love or Significance?

Which one will you choose? You cannot choose both simultaneously. Love is of highest value to your Big Voice or authentic self and significance to your […]
May 16, 2018

When the Student is Ready Will the Teacher Really Appear?

If there is anything you can trust on this spiritual journey it is that God and the universe will bring you what you need to grow. […]
May 11, 2018

How Can Parenting Help Us Grow?

Being a parent has been my hardest work. When my kids were young, parenting was actually very easy for me. As long as I felt balanced, […]
May 9, 2018

Endless Waves of Transformation

Elizabeth Gilbert in her book Eat, Pray, Love says, “One must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation.” If you expect this in […]