
March 22, 2019

Are You Really Putting Yourself First?

Take a listen to some tips on prioritizing your physical well-being and creating more energy for yourself. Putting your physical health first is one of the […]
March 15, 2019

Do You Have A Tribe That Supports Your Vision and Goals?

Take a look at some tips on how you can ensure your tribe is supporting your vision and goals! P.S. I mentioned in the video I […]
March 1, 2019

Work vs Joy… which do you choose?

If you are like most busy, working women, you are convinced that success comes with its fair share of sacrifices.   Work hard first, and then […]
February 22, 2019

How Can You Put Yourself First And Overflow With Support For Others?

Here are some tips on putting yourself first. P.S. Take a listen to my most recent interview on Intimate Conversations with Allana Pratt, my own personal relationship expert.